18 October 2013

After So Many Wednesdays

I began a new club in my school called eLearning Club this year. The members were recruited from different levels and right on the first club day I fed them with big dreams. I presented to them what we are going to show to the school on the last day of the club, giving them the mental picture of the annual club exhibition day.
Members who presented on the Day, there are more outside the picture.

Over the many Wednesdays we met our ideas narrowed down to small projects and we divided ourselves into subjects groups to venture out hunting for materials. I let them know that there are endless resources on internet to bank on. By the second month Rigsum has launched their Sherig Collection and we didn't have to struggle much on international materials anymore.

However, we took inspiration from Sherig Collection and worked on our own tutorial videos and audio books. Some students produced impressive maths video tutorials. But we failed on recording videos of important Science experiments, this is something we will take up seriously next year.

Last Wednesday, the time finally came for us to show what we have done in so many Wednesdays and I reflected on the vision we had. We set up a projector, two laptops and a computer connected to 42" LCD screen.
Following are the works we exhibited.

  1. Animated offline webpage, which contained all our works subject-wise. We had video tutorials, question bank, presentations,... on various subjects in website.
  2. We had a presentation on our members' blogs.
  3. We had set up a laptop as a station for the visitors to listen to the audio book recording of "Dawa, the story of stray dog in Bhutan"
  4. We had digital comic books of many short stories taught in different levels of classes, and also had print version of some of them.
  5. We had another station where we had installed Rigsum Sherig Collection for demonstration and distribution. 

By the end of the exhibition, after over 700 visitors came in and walked out with excitement I knew we have lived the dream we saw on the first day. My Club members were so happy themselves and perhaps they now know what they have to do to make 2014 Exhibition even bigger.

Kindly visit my students' blog and motivate them:


16 October 2013

How to Recover What is Lost in Gambling

Gambling is very addictive; it's easier to counsel a young drug addict out of his habit than to keep an adult gambler out of the game. Even bankruptcy can't stop a gambler. The winner wants to win more while the loser wants to recover his loss and there is no end to the race. I heard this before as a story, now I know a man close to me who is living this story I once heard.

When he came to Wangdue to join his new job he was carrying a load of money, gratuity from his earlier job and other benefits. Like a smoker finds a smoking friend even in the strangest of place, he found gambling partners even before he could locate toilet in his new home. He wanted to buy a taxi to make his after-office hours useful but by the time I knew him closely his dream has gone into someone's pocket.

It was an expensive lesson he was supposed to learn but he was a bad student, he didn't learn. He has taken several loans from friends and bank only to see another taxi dream fading on the gambling table. Now he has enough loan to pay for next few years yet hope of recovering his loss drags him back to the people who peeled him off. Every month-end he reaches home late at night with long face and empty purse, and his wife has to go into hiding to escape from house owner when he comes around collecting house rent.

He grew desperate, he was going to either learn how to cheat like many others do, or he was going to seek support from astrologer but there is no sign of him giving up. That same day, by coincidence, an elderly friend of mine came by when he was discussing his desperate measures.

My elderly friend join the conversation with excitement, because he happened to be a survivor and his saviour was an astrologer too. He is now one of the richest man in Wangdue with property even in Thimphu. My desperate company grew interested in the story of gambler, astrologer and riches. Thus the rich elderly friend shared:
"I was finished, everything that was legally mine was gone and one day my wife left too, not because I was a poor man but because I wasn't ready to leave gambling even when I had nothing left to gamble with. That was when I went to an indian astrologer and show my empty palm. The sadhu at once told me that I had a leak in my hand, and that I had finished everything. I told him, I know this part of the story and that I wish to know if I will ever recover my fortune. He studied my palm carefully and eventually told me that I will be rich again. That was the sweetest word I heard in many day.
"I at once wanted to know how and when, I wanted him to tell me what kind of pujas I have to perform and what are my lucky days. The sadhu read my palm again for the longest time and said, 'Son, there are no pujas to perform, you are destined to be a prosperous man. All you have to do is, Just leave gambling and start working'.
"That was the turning point in my life. Now I have not only recovered everything but also built so much on it. And if you truly want to recover whatever you lost gambling is not the right choice. If you go to the best astrologer, he will tell you exactly this."

14 October 2013

Because My Parents Are Divorced...

Once upon our time divorce was a strange word, and we were made to believe that stepparents are always evil. Interestingly I grew up with my stepfather who proved my beliefs wrong. As a child I waited for him to treat me bad so that I could challenge him and run away from home. I was 21 when he died. I thought I cried enough but I was wrong. Often during my sleepless nights I miss him, in fact I could never overcome the tragedy of his death. A part of me was broken forever.

Not all marriages are made in heaven, some people are never meant to be together, and divorce is not everybody's first choice but there comes a point in relationship where all all logical reasoning ends, where the best chance is to stay away from each other. Lucky are the people who could choose their separation this way, unlike my mother who was separated from my father and even my stepfather by the unforgiving hands of death.

Psychologists say that children from broken families are vulnerable to many social problems, and it's mostly true. Some children change overnight and some bury the pain inside until it snaps. But some children selflessly become part of the happiness that their parents gradually find outside of their irreparable marriage. Sometimes it's good for children to live with happily separated parents than to bear with unhappily married parents, who fight every night.

As a teacher I am witness to so many problems related to children in school and being in School Human Resource committee (discipline committee renamed) I had the opportunity to get to the depth of many issues. We have been very sensitive in dealing with children when they appear before us and before we decide on anything we do a thorough background check on them. But recently a new trend of blaming parents' separation as the cause of their mischief has become popular, probably it could could be because of their initial success with the excuse.

  • A boy bunking classes, says he is doing this because his parents are divorced.
  • A girl caught smoking during the lunch break says, she is smoking because her parents are divorced.
  • Boys caught smoking marijuana in the school dustbin tell they are doing this because their parent are divorced.
  • Girl who ran away from home with her lover says parents are divorced.
  • Boy who breaks class window with his punch says he misses his father because he stays with his mother. They are divorced.
  • Girl who drinks during the weekend and found sleeping on the road say she is depressed because of her parents separation.
All the above examples are not real but do have connection to real incidences compiled from different times and places.

With due regard and sympathy for the children who are really suffering, I would like to urge those children who break rules to be honest enough to accept the outcome of your misdeed on to yourselves rather than shamelessly dragging your parents along to take the blame of your selfish behaviours. Know that there are millions of children around the world without parents, without home and without food, and consider yourself very lucky that you have both parents. When you don't appreciate the enormous luck god gives you now and make mockery of it, you may have to live without it someday.

And remember you have to become parents one day...

11 October 2013

Malala is 16 and Special, so are you

Malala Yousafzai is a girl born among guns and bombs, grew up with fear and finally became enemy to world's worst terrorist group: Taliban. She was 14 when she began her war for education for girls in Pakistan, took several bullets in her head yet she fights for education.
16-Year-Old Malala Yousafzai Leaves Jon Stewart Speechless
Our children are born in peace, brought up in peace, education is given as right and yet some do not understand the true worth of school. Teachers give endless speeches, parents give all they have and our country is trying desperately and children blame the world for their problems, which they sort themselves.

What's going through Malala's head and what is going through our children's head? Malala is just 16, in case you think you are too young to think about yourself. You may think Malala is special, god's special child, so you are. You must stop blaming everything and anything, leave behind lame excuses and make yourself useful.

Watch Malala speak in this video and reflect on your age and on your attitude to life and education.

09 October 2013

My BBS Debut on YouTube

My BBS TV debut on Rigsum Sherig Collection is now on YouTube. For all those good friends who gave hundreds of good excuses for missing my program can now shut up and watch it. Before you click on the play button, be reminded that it was my first appearance and lower your expectations.

I assume you finished watching by now. How many "actuallys" did you count? Who all said that word generously? I have put up a quiz on Facebook to find out how many actually's I said on the show but not many seemed to have watched the show at all. My best friend Chencho's wife commented that he said 'that's my friend on TV' more than I said 'actually' on the show. I know only he can proudly do that.

08 October 2013

Adventure of Coming on BBS

It quite sound like fun coming on national television but for me I had surrendered to live with my camera-fear and declined numerous requests to participate in panel discussions before.
On Air.
This time, however, I had to keep aside my fear for many reasons; there were a few important people counting on me, I also had to do justice to the dedicated reporter who was working very hard for this program and most of all for Rigsum Sherig Collection itself, the cause I truly believed in.

Agreeing to come on the show was the first thing, next step was trying hundred ways to escape it. When I found no excuse in this world I began wishing for something to happen at BBS studio that could force them to stop the show. Well that’s it, there was no way out. I couldn't sallow a piece of best fried chicken at the dinner I was supposed to enjoy with my friends. It broke my heart to leave the special dinner and whiskey untouched.

On my way to BBS studio, I tried answering to some imaginary questions in pure Dzongkha. I sounded so fake that I stopped the car immediately. I didn't want to chicken out of it but I also didn't want to clown on national television. Suddenly the teacher in me came out and told me to relax and do it the way I do every day with my students. Why didn't I remember that?

At the studio Sherab Zangmo, the producer of the show was waiting. She was so much at ease when I was almost shitting in my pants. She sent me with another lady to the makeup room- yes makeup, after all you are going before camera. I was given a light ‘touch up’, many things were happening for the first time in my life that night.

I was finally on the BBS set with Karma Dorji, the man I always saw on TV and once I was there I felt very relaxed; after all there were only two cameramen watching was literally. I explored the set, the place from where the news was telecast everyday. I looked at everything, the paper in front of the new reader is just a copy of what is appearing on the screen and we could see ourselves on another screen. I was like a little boy in a toy shop.
After the show with Beautiful Namgay Zam
Later during the English News Hour with Namgay Zam, I was calm and experienced though I still had to struggle for words and end up with 'actually' (All four of us used 'actually' generously but I believe I used it the most.). We have known each other on Twitter but meeting for the first time in her 'comfort zone'. Surprisingly even Boaz and Namgay were meeting for the first time though they live in the same small city. Because I was by then an hour more experienced than Boaz and I enjoyed his nervousness. Perhaps Namgay must have enjoyed the best bullying two of us in her territory. But it was all worth it, and (Namgay, meeting you was the icing on the cake)

All thanks to Boaz, who gave me the inspiration and courage to fight my fear. Thanks Rigsum for giving us Sherig Collection, and Thanks Sherab Zangmo for the show and momo, which I could eat though.

03 October 2013

bBay Imitations

A Blogger buddy, @Thimphutech sent me a tweet:
"@PaSsu_Diary, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Check out the 'Bbay' page on Facebook.(link removed)"
I wasn't even curious to check out because I have already seen several imitations of my Facebook Group 'B-Bay Buying and Selling Second Hand Stuffs in Bhutan', but that tweet actually made me feel good. It indicates that I should be proud that people are imitating my work. And I did.

The Top is mine: Rest are imitations. 
But sometime ago I was upset at people who ran out of basic creativity and resorted to cheapest means by imitating. I even wrote to someone who not only imitated my group (except with typo) but also campaigned against my group policies. He copied my group to counter mine, because he was removed from the group after coming into conflict with our policy. I regretted having written to him.

The copyright issue is out of question but the question is about ethics and self respect. Facebook is a free platform and English is full of words yet some people cannot come up with something of their own. I adopted the word 'bBay' from 'eBay' and I acknowledged that it was inspired by eBay.

They think the magic is in the word 'BBay' but the real success comes from cleaning the Group Wall of spams, non-sense, and irrelevant items on everyday. We also filter members and accept only Bhutanese or foreigners living in Bhutan. We also filter abusive Bhutanese members, and also brokers. If we have allowed every request we would have over 40,000 members by now but we wanted the group to be useful to Bhutanese. I have employed my family to look after it and take the group seriously. That's the secret behind the success of the group. If someone else it willing to provide this service so sincerely I am willing to give up but I doubt anybody would commit so much time. They only see the finished work and not the effort that went into it.

I hereby declare that you are free to imitate bBay, but I request you to imitate my commitment too.

30 September 2013

Shearee Square

Shearee Square is bravely one of the only kind of Shopping Mall in Thimphu and entire Bhutan. When it open a year ago the huge glass structure with automatic door had bigger surprise inside- the elevator  and escalator. Suddenly Bhutan was taken into the future. It seemed like a whole new way of doing business in the capital city of Bhutan.

The Super Shopping Mall

But after a year the big dream failed to wake fully. The glamorous promise remained and reasons are anyone's guess. But surely it has done a huge service to the timid country:
It's now the informal training center for Bhutanese who are due to travelling abroad to practice how to use escalator and it also disney land for Bhutanese to experience escalator and elevator without having to travel outside. 

28 September 2013

Blowin' in the Wind at School Poetry Recitation

My class VIII C will be reciting Bob Dylan's "Blown' in the Wind" today at the Mass poetry recitation in Bajothang. Poetry recitation in my school has become an exciting event since last year after it was made mass event, where the whole class goes on stage. Junior classes love it so much.

My class was hunting for a poem without success, every poem they put their finger on seemed to be taken by another class. Then I suggested "Blowin' in the Wind", which many wouldn't even think of as poem. But eversince it was included in class VIII reading list I confidently regard it as one. But the lyrics in their text is all messed up so I had to download the original and let them listen to Bob Dylan on Sound Cloud.

We have divided the class into three groups for the three stanzas, where each will have three questions to ask and the answer will be given by the whole class:
"The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind, the answer is blowin' in the wind."
However, I came to Thimphu on official assignment and my class was left on their own. The class captain updated me on the progress. Yesterday they called me to say they are done, I asked them to get ready and give me a miss call. When I received the signal I called them and listen to them over the phone. They really seemed ready. Today fourth period is the show time. They promised me some dramatization and banners, which I don't want to miss, so I have request a teacher friend to record on his cell phone for me. I will watch it when I get back.

All the best.

25 September 2013

Bloggers Around Bonfire

I extended 'Bloggers Meet in Thimphu' invitation to 1156 members in Blogyul (The Facebook Page for Bhutanese Bloggers), of which I assumed at least 100 to be based in Thimphu. Amazing 40 members said they were coming for the event on 23rd September. I was still in Wangdue when this event was planned but I counted on Riku, Ngawang and Sogyel to work on it and they actually made it precisely the way I romanticized- outdoor with bonfire.

It was unfortunately Monday night but Rima Reyka, Singaporean Blogger who is in love with Bhutan, has always looked forward to this day and I thought passion will surpass the timing. But I was badly betrayed when only eight of us gathered. Mr.JJ, another Singaporean blogger, was my guest to the event and that made two of them from Singapore.
From Left: Riku, Sogyel, Nawang, Rima, PaSsu, Tshering C Dorji, JJ and Dema. Kunzang Thinley(PSN) was Cameraman.
Tshering C Dorji, the writer of 'Shadow Around the Lamp' and 'Living the Bhutanese Way' paid us a surprised visit, all the way from Phuntsholing. He made the evening so much fun ;) and the story related it is exclusive to the attendees.
Dema Yangzom, the youngest among us made it to her debut bloggers meet. Her presence touched me to the depth. We didn't allow her to drink because she was still considered underage ;) but I don't know what happened later...
Kuenzang Thinley (PSN) drove 59 Km from Paro, after office, only to meet us. He is a father of three daughters and still found time and meaning in attending this gathering. I was reminded of the first Blogger Meet I attended in 2010 driving 75 Km from Wangdue. It's all about passion, and I will always cherish Kunzang's presence. 
From Left: Tshering C Dorji, PaSsu, JJ, Dema Yangzom, Sogyel, Kuenzang Thinley(PSN), Rima, Nawang
Photo by Riku
The remaining four of us where the hosts and we have met often in the past and I am sure we will always work together to organize such events- once beaten twice try.

Bloggers Who Attended (Click on the Names to go to their Blogs)
  1. Rima Reyka
  2. Nawang Phuntsho (Penstar)
  3. Sogyel Tobgyel
  4. Riku Dhan Subba
  5. Dema Yangzom
  6. Yee Jenn Jong (JJ)
  7. Tshering C Dorji
  8. Kuenzang Thinley (PSN)
  9. PaSsu