My Dear Daughter Ninzi,
Today, on 29th Aug 2103, I am the happiest father because I could finally send you to a daycare center. Your were always excited about going to school, I don't know what you mean by school but you were always angry with us for not sending you to one. Your frustration of being indoor the whole day, waiting for me to come and take you out, is apparent in your temperament and I forgive you for being very difficult most of the time.
The First Walk to School with Kezang |
You won't understand the admission policy in school; I know you are ready for school but school is not ready for you and it won't accept you for another two and half years. Times have changed and perhaps policy may follow because I remember even when I was walking through the junior high school gate I wasn't as smart as you are now yet by the virtue of being born early I could occupy a seat in the school.
Meeting her old Friend there and holding on to her tight |
You are born in new times and your generation is born with magic to impress even the smartest from our age. I don't know if any school can ever engage your batch of human species because from what I know of school and from what I know about you I don't think school can impress you enough. But I am hopeful that by the time you are schoolready even school would be ready for you.
Today is a very important day in your life, it was your debut journey to school, though a daycare center and it was your first day spent away from home. It was yesterday we decided to take your to school but your mummy realized today is a good day. She wants you to begin on a good day so that you have a wonderful journey throughout your life.
Your mummy, I, and aunty Tshering Zam anxiously took you to the daycare center. I was very emotional, I was ready to grab you and drive you straight back home if you showed a slightest sign but my brave girl, you were fully excited when you entered the gate and saw the play field and little friends. I was three years older than you when I first went to school and I cried like crazy but you were different. You ran from one spot to another playing and wouldn't even look at us. We stayed there for a long time waiting for signs from you but even when we said bye your weren't listening. It broke my heart but I knew you were being brave to impress us. When we walked out of the gate I look at you one more time only to see you were already engrossed in play.
Exploring her New School |
We didn't expect the center to teach you anything and we even let your teachers know that, all we wanted was to let you mingle with kids of your age and learn to make friends, and most importantly realize that your are not the boss all the time because at home you started feeling that way. We even asked them to watch your hand because you have very strong and fast fist which we feared may land on some kids but your teachers were confident you won't do it because they have seen many like you sobering in the crowd.
When we left her there |
Your mummy and I missed you so bad throughout these six hours and we kept looking at each other, with encouraging laughters, wondering how you could stay without us for so long. We kept looking at the clock. It's unbelievable that you survived the whole day away from us but when we finally returned to you we could see how much you held back, you were stammering with emotion but you wouldn't show any apparent feeling other than a dance move.
Day 2 -with friends |
Sweet heart, not all school are as entertaining as the one you went to today but I hope you will always love schools like you did this first one on the first day, because school is the only golden path to a glorious life. This is the beginning of a long journey and I am happy you love the first step.
With all my heart
Thanks to Kids R Kids Daycare and Tshering Zam for giving my daughter the first good impression.
Update 3rd Sept 2013: Monday was her Third Day in school and strangely she started refusing to stay, and Kezang had to stay back with her and sneak away while she was playing. And Day 4 (Today), She cried again and she had to be left there crying so badly. Kezang is almost changing her mind but again she consoles herself.