21 August 2024

Official Announcement: Name Change to Chablop Passu

 I am thrilled to share a milestone moment in my life with all of you. Back in 2016, His Majesty the King graciously bestowed upon me the name Chablop Passu—a name that carries immense meaning, where "Chablop" signifies "the Toilet Teacher." Back then, I had just started Bhutan Toilet Org and had yet to do anything significant to deserve such an honor, but I knew it was His Majesty’s blessing to show me the direction and keep me inspired through this journey. The magic really worked; each time someone called me Chablop, I was reminded of my purpose in life.

But for the past 8 years, I have held on, unsure if I could truly carry the responsibility that comes with such an honor. It was a period of reflection and growth. I wanted to ensure that I lived up to the expectations and truly earned the name I was given.

Now, after years of dedicated work and having achieved much in this field, I feel confident and ready. Today, I am happy to announce that I have officially applied for and successfully changed my name in the census from Passang Tshering to Chablop Passu.

This change is not just about a name but symbolizes a renewed commitment to continue serving our communities with even greater dedication. I am grateful to everyone who has supported and walked with me on this journey, which is anything but easy.

Here’s to new beginnings and continuing our mission together under the name Chablop Passu.