There was a fat white dog outside Mojo Park Gate and I have seen him every time I went there and assumed he lived there. The regular visitors fondly talk to him and allow him to sleep between their legs. Of many dogs there what makes this white dog their favorite? The interesting answer to it is that dog hates cops. He growls and barks at the sight of cops. I have personally seen this happen twice. Cops on night patrol make their presence at the club gate when it's about time to close down, and the dog barks at them with dedication as if he was trained to do that.
I have no idea about how this dog actually learned to hate the cops but the very character that made the canine popular among visitors made him unpopular among the cops. Last night, It broke my heart to see three cops waiting at the club gate, long after it was close, to put an end to this poor dog. I was waiting for a friend to return to pick up another friend whom she forgot to take along, which made me an eye witness to the brutality. The poor dog knew what was going to happen to him and was feeling very insecure without his hosts, who already left. He took refuge under the bench I was sitting and was making pleading sounds. The cops closed in and asked us to move aside to avoid accidental hit. My friend protested and so did a hippie Band member (The drummer of the last event) but the cops were all set to finish the animal. He took one big hit on his back but managed to escape, crying in pain. The cops went chasing him and what happened after that will largely depend on his luck.
When Mojo Park opens on Wednesday if the fat white dog is seen around know that he has escaped a murder attempt, and that it's your love that brought him back to you. Perhaps it's time to untrain him. But if your favorite dog doesn't appear this Wednesday, that's what happened to him. Please pray for him. I will come around to check on him too.
Why the hell should cops kill dogs just because they bark at them? Lots of dog barks at me too but I never kill them. This country is getting worst everyday :/
ReplyDeleteThese cops are real breed of hell. Why should they kill a dog for barking at them while they do not deserve even a stray dog's bark, let alone that wonderful dog? GNH and a buddhist country? These cops are incapable of properly executing their duties and go for dog hunt..
ReplyDeleteOutright evil - launch a campaign if the dog is no more there when the club opens next week. Wicked people should be taught a lesson.
ReplyDeletePlease check on the dog ASAP. i hope he isn't dead.
ReplyDeleteOMGoshhhh that's clearly an animal brutality. Sucha thing sudn't be slipped easily. Whoeva da cops wer, sud be questioned! Just coz da dog barked at them doesn't mean it deserved to be murdered! Action needs to be taken against those cops. So unfair n inhumanity :(
ReplyDeleteReceived good news from friends that the dog is fine and is hanging around Zone. But if nothing is done, it's matter of time...
ReplyDeleteGood to know that he is fine! Hope Jangsa comes to his rescue!
ReplyDeleteI wish we had PETA or some sort of animal rights organisation that takes matters like this serioulsy :(. I just checked up on him after reading this..hes fine..phew! was seen bullying a puppy teehee :D
ReplyDeleteI came back to this blog to check if the dog is aite n I'm glad he's doing jus fine :D :D
ReplyDeleterude cops.... dey shud go to hell but gud to knw at da end, the white doggie still survives.....